30 Years. 30 Days. $30K.
Let's Help Alvin Get a New Home!
$1,700 raised
$30,000 goal
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Please offer flood survivor Alvin a helping hand.
Friends, we need your help!
To celebrate our 30th birthday - Sept. 8, 2023 - we need to raise $30,000 in 30 days to help someone in great need.
Alvin, a flood survivor in Knott County, KY, lost his home in the Mousie community last July. That night was devastating and not just because Alvin lost everything he'd worked so hard for in life. That night, Alvin's best friend drowned.
Since then, Alvin has been trying to pick up the pieces and rebuild his life. He, his wife, who is battling cancer, and his son have been living in a FEMA trailer, but time is running out for them to stay there. The cramped living space and challenging conditions in the trailer have also taken a toll. Alvin worries every day about his wife's health and overall well-being.
Thanks to Team Kentucky's Eastern Kentucky Flood Relief Fund, the Federal Home Loan Bank's Disaster Reconstruction Program (DRP), and Alvin's FEMA funds, Alvin has the opportunity to purchase a new home we've built in Knott County! However, as a very low-income survivor, Alvin needs even more help so that the home is more affordable for him and his family.
Remember: flood survivors, like Alvin, are starting over with nothing. They've lost their home and all the security that home provided. And being displaced from home for over a year leaves disaster survivors worn down and exhausted. This disaster has also left folks like Alvin, who have always worked hard and supported themselves, in the difficult position of having to ask for help.
You guys are the most generous people on earth. We get actual results when we work together, so please pitch in what you can and let's get Alvin and his family a new home! Your gift will make all the difference for the future of this East Kentucky family.